hello community activates people to create sustainable buildings, by allowing them to interact on one platform. Landlords, tenants and building users share knowledge, discuss ideas on making the building more sustainable and talk about the progress that’s been made.
Since this interaction takes place on the same platform that shows your building’s energy use, you can immediately see the results of your efforts.
Throughout the years hello energy has gathered a great wealth of knowledge on sustainability and greening your building. We gladly share our actionable insights on the hello community.
This way everyone involved knows how to take action. Did you know for example that turning the thermostat down with just 1 degree Celsius saves around 8% in heating costs?
Don’t make sustainability your best kept secret! Share your ambitions and measures with your community. Did you know that most employees are more loyal to a company that enables them to be part of sustainable solutions. Time to start involving your community!
Make your sustainability community part of your approach towards becoming net zero. And don’t forget to tell the world about the progress you’re making.