Customer story

Floating Offices Rotterdam (FOR) | Rotterdam, Netherlands

The FOR (Floating Office Rotterdam) is a highly innovative and sustainable office in the Rotterdam harbour (Rijnhaven) which has just been completed 🙌

As a frontrunner in sustainability, RED Company has developed a building that sets an example for climate adaptivity and uses hello energy as a software solution to inform its visitors about its energy use. 
Moored at Rijnhaven port in Rotterdam, this floating office is a building for a new age. Off-grid and carbon-neutral, it will float – rather than flood – if water levels rise due to climate change. Fun as well as functional, it also forms a key element in a newly redeveloped port environment by providing public waterside space – and even a swimming pool. It has also earned a BREEAM Outstanding certification.

The office hosts the Global Center on Adaptation. It’s an international organisation that works as a solutions broker to accelerate action and support for adaptation solutions, from the international to the local, in partnership with the public and private sector, to ensure people can learn from each other and work together for a climate-resilient future.
We can’t wait to visit! How about you?

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