177 Bothwell Street | Glasgow, Scotland
There aren't many buildings that can do it all. We think we've found one 👀177 Bothwell Street byHFD Groupis set to be Glasgow's largest sustainable single office building. But that's not all - it will be among the first 70 in the world to receive the recently launched SmartScore certification, and the first development in Scotland to achieve accreditation for smart buildings, too.To be completed later this year, 177 Bothwell Street will produce ZERO carbon emissions by sourcing 100% renewable energy. The building is targeting an EPC rating of A, BREEAM Excellent 🏅 and will furthermore allow users to operate security gates, elevators and lights with just their phones to keep the 🦠 away!Not impressed yet? The building will also feature:⚡ Heat recovery ventilation, solar control glazing & smart low-energy light systems & controls.♻️ Waste recycling facilities, sustainable drainage attenuation systems & high-level energy monitoring & optimisation.🚴♂️ Electric vehicle charging points & countless bike storage spaces for even more sustainable travel.Scotland's#heroesleading the way!PreviousNext