Building heroes

August 2, 2021

DUO Spitalfields - 280 Bishopsgate | London, UK

Another brilliant example of sustainable real estate is here! ๐ŸŒŸCBRE Global Investors EMEA,King Street Capital Management&Arax Propertiesteam up in this week's#buildingherofor DUO Spitalfields, 280 Bishopsgate - a sustainable 260,000-square-foot office property in London ๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡งCompleting its refurbishment in November 2021, DUO will achieveCyclingScorePlatinum,WiredScorePlatinum & AirScore Gold, on top of WELL Platinum &BREEAM OfficialOutstanding ๐Ÿ†.DUO has a unique 7,800 square footMoreySmith-designed dual reception, connecting Bishopsgate with the green spaces of Bishops Square and Spitalfields.๐Ÿข Retaining its existing structural frame, it saves significant embodied carbon of 24,000+ tonnes; equal to 120 acres of deforestation.๐ŸŒฑ Features improved energy consumption, waste management, air quality monitoring & uses air purifying surface finishes.An exciting project!PreviousNext