Release notes

Introducing the hello energy Carpool App – Building a sustainable future together!

Say bye to lonely rides to work, frustrating searches for parking space and expensive and polluting commutes. Our brand-new carpool app for buildings is set to transform the way residents and employees travel and minimise the impact of this travel. Our app seamlessly connects people within the same building so they can share rides. This way, we work on a greener future together, one ride at a time.

hello energy makes positive building possible: buildings that make a helpful contribution to their environment and to human well-being. Places that maximise sustainability, now and in the future.

Our Carpool App is a valuable contribution to such places.

Connecting commuters 

With our carpool app, users gain access to a network of potential carpool partners within their building. Users can register and find rides, optimising carpooling opportunities and contributing to the larger societal goals of reduced traffic congestion, air pollution and climate change.

Promoting sustainability 

Sustainability is more important than ever. Everybody feels that. An easy way to contribute is by sharing rides. For every shared ride, emissions, air pollution, contribution to congestion and parking space needed (but also fuel costs) are halved.

Carpooling makes commuting more enjoyable, cheaper, and more sustainable! So, what are you waiting for?  

The power of collaboration

At hello energy, we strongly believe in the power of collaboration. By bringing together individuals who share the same destination, we maximise the efficiency of transportation resources of a building.

With our carpooling app you work on a greener tomorrow, while creating a stronger sense of community.

Join the movement

We invite everyone to join us in the exciting endeavor for a greener tomorrow. Together, we can make a real difference in shaping a sustainable future. By using our carpool app, you actively contribute to a healthier, happier planet by fostering a more connected and eco-conscious building community.

Eager to facilitate sustainable travel for your building users and employees? Contact us to get started!

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